Monday, June 01, 2009


My neck has been hurting a lot lately.  I thought perhaps it was from traveling, but I fly a lot and it doesn't normally hurt as much as it has been.

When I was running today, I could not deny that my palms felt tingly and numb.  I hope that it's nothing serious and that I can just be consistent with exercises and stretching and it will go away.  God please help me get through all of this and keep running for Your glory.  

- run for life.

Monday, February 09, 2009


I ran with my sister when I went home. We ran around Lake Elizabeth twice and did stretches when we finished. My ankle felt fine. The next day we ran the fun loop (honestly I named it that to dupe people into running it with me, if I named it loop full of hills and makes some people want to die, no one would agree to run it with me right?).

So far it's looking pretty good. I played sports for the first time in months today. I need to work on wind sprints... a lot.

Thanks God for Your gifts.

- run for life

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I finally got my new shoes. I switched to Supernovas rather than my regular Response. I decided that it was time for a change. I hope that different shoes will help as I train myself to run differently, more efficiently and re-train myself for speed rather than distance... well for both rather than just one.

They're so pretty, I'm so excited. I am going to begin with my running regime tomorrow in combination with my Zumba and other random exercise things that I do. Here's to the New Year, to a rebirth if you will. God gave me a gift, I must utilize it to glorify Him.  It's going to hurt, but it will be worth it.

- run for life