Wednesday, May 23, 2012

belated post now posted. written 11/20/11

11/20-Tulsa, Oklahoma - Route 66 Marathon

I think I was out of it today while I was running. My mind was else where and I kept having to use the potty... Port-a-potties and for some reason I just cleaned the toilet seat a little and was more concerned with that than locking the door. I had the door opened twice on me today... Haha. No one saw anything so it was all good, but still. The first time I was like, oh my bad. Second time I was like, really?? What's wrong with me? Guess its like life, just get distracted by the pee on the seat and you are trying to wipe it off that you forget to lock the door. Another thing about port-a-potties while I'm already on the topic. I think it's hilarious that they have those small busted mirrors on the inside of the doors on some of them. For one the mirror is so cracked and blurry you couldn't fix your hair or see of something was in your teeth if you tried... But also the port-a-potty population is probably not as likely to give a care about how fabulous they look when coming out of a port-a-potty right? Mostly it'd be construction workers, marathoners, people going to fairs and what not. I am not a port-a-potty expert but I do know when I run marathons I'm more concerned with getting I the finish than how I look while I'm on my way there.

This blog is going to be about the journey to the greatest destination. Life as a Christian runner. Here is my story. Thanks for coming and reading. I'll be trying to include stories of the past marathons I've run and my journey and trials of trying to get back into racing/running shape. I hope you find some comradery and hope as we re-start this journey once again...

-run for life

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