Tuesday, October 16, 2012

goodness me!

Okay, okay.  Apologies again.  It's been another 2 months since I've written and I'm SO behind.  A lot has happened folks!  Basically July-August was a rough time for my family with the robbery, my aunt's passing among other things.  My husband and I bought our first house on the 22nd of August and began a frantic painting and fixing of things so that it would be more 'homey' and contemporary since that's our style.  It's getting there, I'm waiting on my cabinets.  I can't wait to get them in and done.  That will be fantastic!  That painting and fixing and cleaning and everything with the house kept me busy, busy until the second week of September when I was wisked off to Rochester, Minnesota (who knew there was a Rochester Minnesota?  I have only heard of the one in NY though that doesn't say much since I had never even heard of Knoxville and now I live here).  I was there for a full week for Tobacco Treatment Specialist training at the Mayo Clinic which was pretty awesome!  I was in charge of choosing restaurants and I have to agree with my colleagues... I did a good job!  haha.  :) 

Friday after we took our test I flew out to Chicago and again (this is where the story actually starts I guess) was getting ready to run a double - in Wisconsin and Illinois this time.  My flight was delayed a couple hours and I didn't get to Chicago until 5 and then I had to rent a car and head out to Wisconsin... far far away.  As I was driving the check engine light came on and I called the rental car people... they said keep driving and they couldn't help me.  So I'm over an hour away from any major city with any other rental cars in the dark by myself.  Fun times.  I got to the Richardson's house and we all hung out for a little while eating ice cream and then I stayed up and talked with Kelly for awhile before finally falling asleep around 2AM.  I got up early to head to the start of the race since it said it was about an hour away and I hadn't picked up my packet yet I wanted to get there early... and I did.  I was 2 hours early and took a nap in the car before the race started... of course I was in the bathroom going potty as the gun was going off so I popped out and was the very last soul across the startinging line.

I started at the very back and was talking with a guy who was injured but just out with a friend from a Chicago suburb.  We ran together for the first 5 miles before he said 'good luck' and went on his way.  He was very nice and I was sad to see him go especially since there were few people running this trail marathon.  Oh, speaking of trail marathons... remember to bring a water bottle.  Brilliant me did not and there were probably 6 water stops total... by the time I got to mile 11 I thought I was seeing an oasis when I saw a blue tent appear in the distance, but by golly it turned out to be a water stop - just what I needed!  "Praise the Lord!" I cried as I reached the stop and chugged 3-4 small dixie cups of water before asking around for a water bottle.  God provided by having a firefighter on the course who just happened to have a 16oz cheap plastic bottle of water that was unopened and I thankfully took that with me for the remainder of the course. 

A couple of ladies and I hung out while we passed a few miles and we saw some horses on the trails we were on, which indeed were horse trails, so we took a picture with the horses of course of course!  I was trying to figure out where we were on our 26.2 mile journey but I was only guessing since there were 0 mile markers and I had not looked up to see how far apart the water stations were.  Super preparation I know!  I just sign up for these things and put the start time and location in my phone so I can find it on GPS... Maybe I should start training and mentally prepare for the course or something like the old days??  Yeah, yeah I know, especially if I'm doing them back to back that might be useful.

I started using my running buddy app or whatever it's called that tracks your distance and time so I could have a better idea of how far I had to go between stops so I could ration my water from my small small 16oz bottle.  I've always thought those bottles were tiny, but when you have 5 or more miles to run in powdery dirt that some how finds it's way to your throat... it seems like it's made for one of the Little family or is just a sip.

I hit mile 17 when my countdown begins and started to feel better... still dehydrated of course due to my earlier brilliance that I mentioned, but I knew I was going to get there and finish.  I talked to a guy who had picked up a feather for his daughter and was carrying it to the finish.  I had yet to see one and when I did at mile 22 or so, I was excited.  I saw some of the relay runners... and wish I had friends who wanted to do a relay... haha.  No, I really just wish I always could find someone to run with since it's way more fun to run with others.  It's nice when Nathan can come too, I wish it wasn't so expensive!

I cheered people along to the finish as I rolled to the line.  I grabbed a bunch of food... my eyes are always bigger than my stomach when I run.  I just can't eat a huge amount right when I'm finished.  Got my shirt and my arm warmers (thanks North Face Endurance Challenge in Eagle, Wisconsin) which I was excited to find that they were black since I already have a pair of white ones I got off my wedding registry (yes, of course I registered online at my favoritest store ever - REI).

I headed out to St. Charles to pick up my packet... but I was just over 2 hours away and I drive slow... and had to be there in 2 hours so luckily the other Jill was able to pick up my stuff since they didn't have packet pick up the morning of the run.  I headed straight down to their house in Wheaton and bought gas along the way.  I learned that my gas tank was on the right side (passenger side) after I had already parked at the pump.  Thankfully I looked busted and a nice man on a motorcycle who was in line next to me waved off some people who were trying to take my spot since I had to pull out and then turn around (there were long lines for some reason at this particular station... maybe because gas was way cheaper in Wisconsin than Illinois).  I have decided that Asian vehicles have the gas tank on the driver's side (my other cars - Jon Sampson and Lazarus were Acuras and they did, Gallileo who is a Toyota does, Hondas do... etc.) and the American cars like Chevys, Fords (like Nathan's Mustang Cobra), etc have them on the passenger side.  I learned that the hard way.  Oh and my rental car was a Chevrolet Impala which I would never normally drive.  I like small cars - Asian cars.

I wasn't as worried about jumping pictuers since I already have them in Wisconsin and Illinois but I did take a bunch of good pictures while running.  When I got there I took a shower and had dinner with the family.  It was really nice to see everyone again!  I'm glad it was on a weekend so Patrick was there too.  We played 'Sorry' after dinner before bedtime and I was off again...  Got a good parking spot since I was early and went to the bathroom before the run started... (hold that thought in the back of your mind for more on that later - pleasant yes??  You're welcome).

I wasn't feeling too hot since I was already dehydrated from the day before so I decided to power walk.  I saw a lady who was walking faster than some of the people were running/jogging and decided that I would do that.  She was from Chicago.  We walked and talked for awhile until I got a phone call... of course I was only walking a marathon so I took it and we chatted/caught up for about 2.5 miles and when I hit mile 13.1... I kept walking... haha.  Did you think I was going to run?  Please.  I decided I would walk until I hit mile 16 and had 10 to go... but they had already picked up some of the mile markers so I ended up starting to speed up at mile 17 and was able to sub my first walking half (which was a 3:05) and finish in 5:57.  Not fast, but not bad for a double, not training and being dehydrated I thought.  And the most important thing - I finished another state.  Wisconsin was state 32 and Illinois was state 33.  Getting closer.

I was kind of messed up at the end and hobbling around so a lady took me to the medical tent and they tried to work on my legs a bit.  Still sore.  Good job lack of fluids.  Another nice lady kindly offered to drive me to my rental car so I could make it to the airport on time since it was about an hour away depending on traffic.  I thanked her as I hobbled out and changed into cleaner clothes and went to the airport - bought more gas along the way to fill the tank and dropped off the car.

Now back to that thought I told you to hold on to before the race started.  Remember?  No?  Well I went potty before the run.  Okay, that's great you say.  Well yeah, that wasa before 7AM Central.  It's now after 3PM and I still haven't gone to the bathroom.  By now I've got to go so I waddled over to the rental car spot and went potty there.  That's the longest I've been awake and haven't peed!  I mean I can sleep like a rock and not go potty for hours but I literally drank 2-3 cups of water or Gatorade at each water stop during the Fox Valley Marathon which thankfully had stops at least every 2 miles if not a few more and STILL didn't go potty for over 8 hours!  And that's after I drank 2 bottles of water when I finished and was driving to the airport.  Man, talk about dehydration.  No fun.

I silently apologized to all around me on the plane for not having time to take a shower but I got back to Knoxville safely!  Thanks Jesus!

- run for life.

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