If you are breast feeding I recommend a scarf/wrap type nursing cover
that basically encircles both of you. I can post pictures if you would
like of the one I made. That way your back is covered and both sides
regardless of where you're sitting on the plane. I honestly still
choose the window seat because I like being able to look out the window
and have the wall next to me to block one side for the "just in case"
wiggles as Norah gets older.
Leggings. Hands down one of the greater travel inventions. I am so
glad my neighbor told me to try leggings when flying. They keep Norah
warm, make it much easier access to the onesie for a diaper change in
confined spaces and are super cute! They come in both boy and girl
colors so even if you have a boy, I would recommend having at least one
pair for traveling. You can actually make them from knee length women's
or men's socks following directions on some of the Pinterest sites.
3) Wear your baby if you can (I know some people have back problems or other reasons they cannot but I personally love wearing Norah. Not only does it keep her happy and safe but I am hands free! I wear her all the time even at home or going to grocery stores.) I can carry things and do things like put my backpack on or go to the bathroom (yes, I go to the bathroom while wearing my baby. You do what you gotta do friends & when you travel alone with your baby that's one of those things you gotta do!) There are groups like Baby Wearing International that can help you learn to wrap or try different carriers you might like if you become a member (they have a lending library for members). For us, we like the soft sided carrier with buckles to make it quick and easy to take her off and on.
4) Check or gate check your bag (if I don't get a free checked bag I usually gate check since most of the flights I'm on are full and they do it for free, otherwise I just carry). It is SO much easier to make tight connections across the airport when you don't have to wait for your bag to be brought to you plane side. This goes along with #3 when you take strollers into account. Yes, I think it's great to be able to hang a ton of bags and other things on your stroller and I may change my mind when/if we have another kid and I can't wear two plus a backpack when I go home to visit my parents, but when you live at a small airport it is much easier not to wait for the stroller or gate checked bag to be brought up. We would have missed our flight from Chicago to San Francisco last week if we had to wait!
5) Timing is really everything. After 3 round trip multiple connection flights across the country (from 2-3 connections per trip) with Norah, I have 100% decided it is much easier to fly with her at night when she will be sleeping most of the way. It is different for every baby so you may have to try different times to start but for her she sleeps fantastically in her pouch (Ergo Performance currently) and it makes my life so much easier on the plane.
6) My favorite traveling toys are ones with rings or the ability to attach them onto things (taggie toys with ribbons or other loops can totally be hooked onto things). That way when I am carrying two bags, pulling a suitcase and wearing a baby I'm not dropping her toys (or if they fall they don't fall far!). We gave out mini carabiners at our wedding and had a ton leftover (it was cheaper per piece to buy 250 instead of just 115 for the number of guests so it ended up being the same price for twice as many... So I have lots and I use them all the time! The carabiner itself can be used as a simple travel baby toy too.)
Fly on friends!
- run for life
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