Wednesday, January 14, 2015

yoga pants

I heard on the radio that sales in jeans were going down.  Of course they made it a cliff hanger and said, ‘after this song we will tell you what is replacing them.’  During the whole song I was wondering, what in the world could be replacing jeans sales?  They came back on and said athletic pants were increasing in sales over the years and decreasing jeans sales.  Of course!  Yoga pants!  They are AMAZING.

You can ask anyone that knows me, I love yoga pants.  Comfort > fashion.  When asked about limited budgets, I told my campers “why buy clothes when you could buy food?”  Even during pregnancy, I didn’t buy many maternity clothes (and boy, are those things expensive!).  I got mostly clothes for work like sweaters, work pants and some shirts.  Honestly, I probably didn’t need to buy even that much.  I ended up wearing yoga pants anytime I wasn’t at work or church.  And really, who doesn’t love yoga pants!?

I just started wearing my normal jeans again this last weekend, not because I couldn’t fit them, but because maternity jeans are so stretchy and comfy (closer in comfort to my beloved yoga pants).  All through pregnancy I could still pull my normal jeans on all the way, but couldn’t button them.  My belly was just too big to zip them up comfortably.  So, I turned to maternity jeans.  They are so comfy and if you remember that episode of Friends when Phoebe calls her maternity/Santa pants her Thanksgiving pants: that’s how I felt about maternity pants.  They were so stretchy and regardless of the bump, I could wear them comfortably.  Even if I did decide to eat a lot during a holiday… they would still fit and I wouldn’t need to loosen my belt or undo a button!

I attribute being able to wear them so long and very shortly after delivery to walking so much during pregnancy.  Exercise is so important!  Even with my feet swelling like crazy my legs were normal size.  Toward the last month of pregnancy I ended up wearing Nathan’s flip flops because my feet were so swollen.  How swollen were they?  Well, I went to the doctor wearing Nathan’s flip flops and mentioned my feet were swollen.  She looked down at my feet and she said, “they don’t look too bad in those shoes.”  I must have made a face because she paused and said, “wait, those are your shoes aren’t they?”  I turned my foot to the side and his feet are at least an inch or two bigger than mine so the back was much longer than my foot but they were so swollen they looked like they fit me from the front.  She laughed at me and said, “okay, you’re feet are really swollen.”  Being the nerd I am, I poked them and exclaimed, “it looks like at least 2+ pitting edema!” when the poke mark stayed indented for a while before filling back out.  I’ve heard of women saying their feet stayed bigger after pregnancy, but luckily for me, my feet returned to normal size so I didn’t have to buy new shoes.

Anyway, swelling feet don’t have much to do with my love of yoga pants other than the fact that yoga pants are awesome and comfy.  Depending on what kind of material and color, you can get away with wearing them with a nice shirt for dressier occasions!  For my yoga pants wearing friends, where do you wear your yoga pants?

For all of those moms-to-be or those who are thinking about getting pregnant, if you are worried about your pregnancy wardrobe or post-pregnancy wardrobe and have yoga pants – don’t.  Save some money and try wearing your athletic pants/yoga pants as long as you can instead of spending tons of money on maternity clothes.

For all of those who just want universal comfortable clothes - look into yoga pants!  You can go from grocery store to working out or running without changing.  Yes, it's true.  I'll say it again, I love yoga pants.

I leave you with this hilarious song: 

- - run for life

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